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Account Details

Profile Details

Name (required)

Please enter full name

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Nationality (required)

Please select the country

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What gender do you identify as?

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Date of birth (required)

Enter your date of birth. It will determine the competitions you will be able to enter.

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Country of residence (required)

Please select the country

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Photographer status (required)

Please select one status

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Cameras used in your photography (required)

Please check at least one option

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If "Other", please specify the cameras used in your photography

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Makes of camera used

Please select at least one option

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If "Other", please specify the makes of camera used

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How long have you been taking photographs?

Please enter the number of years

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Which medium do you shoot in?

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Main photographic interest

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Our sponsors

It would not be possible to run Travel Photographer of the Year without the support of our sponsors and partners, and we are hugely grateful for their involvement each year.